The challenge

Real Madrid's goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois wanted to expand his personal brand. Next to his social media presence which is created and managed by Quick Brown Foxes, there was a need for a more comprehensive method to communicate his story.

Services Provided

  • Webdesign

  • UX / UI design

products delivered

  • Webdesign and concept

The goals

Create a platform that would communicate Thibaut’s personal story and efforts alongside a space where fans can get first hand information about their favourite goalkeeper.

  • Designed to support expansion of content and features

  • Reflect Thibaut's style

  • Suit the target audience in it's user experience and style

The approach

With the existing style guide as a starting point an interactive form of Thibaut’s personal brand had to take shape.

Taking the users into account as a mostly younger male audience I found inspiration in game like design. With that the idea of a 3D space for the home page emerged. The user is able to move front to back through the space, encountering the content of the site on their journey. The overall experience had to embody the spacious and game like design approach which was technically achieved by Three Sixty Media.

This resulted in an award winning website:


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