The challenge

Galapagos is a pioneering and rapidly growing biotech company. Their ambition is to become a leading global biopharmaceutical company and with that comes the necessity of expanding their workforce. To achieve this an engaging concept to attract the right people was needed and that was the challenge posed to Quick Brown Foxes

Services Provided

  • Webdesign

  • Stand design

products delivered

  • Website

The goals

Create a career website that would integrate the existing job opening database but would stand out in concept and style

  • Attract the right people by a creative concept

  • Translate the creative concept created by Quick Brown Foxes into a functional design

The approach

the creative concept needed to be translated into a functional tool that would serve it’s purpose in winning people over to apply for jobs at Galapagos. To achieve this the bold message needed a bold design. The challenge here was portraying this playful engaging design without losing the professional edge and seriousness that the work Galapagos does entails.

The result is a divide between two sides; on one side the bold message with personal anekdotes from current employees and on the other side the job openings that is always accessible.


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