The challenge

Lixero is a lighting company which produces their own products but also provides a complete light design plan for any type of space. 
The lighting market is undergoing a rapid transformation driven by two trends: the growing adaptation of light-emitting-diode (LED) technology and the increasing popularity of connected lighting systems. These mutually reinforcing trends are fundamentally altering the underlying economics and dynamics of the market. As a result, new sources of competitive advantage are emerging, requiring players to revamp their strategies across the lighting value chain. With new innovations on the horizon Lixero needed a new brand image to advance the goals of tapping into a new high-end market segment and would reflect the company's values.

Services Provided

  • Brand identity design
  • Webdevelopment

The goals

Align revised business strategy with brand strategy and create a new brand identity.
  • Enter into new high-end market while still remaining true to original markets
  • Coherence of communications across various media

The approach

A lot of time was spent on getting to the bottom of Lixero’s brand essence, their vision, mission and values. Which is the most important part of any brand identity design process.

First priority was getting the team on the same page about this. After a solid core was established the next step was getting Lixero’s staff on board and making the changes transparant and clear to everyone in the company to empower and motivate Lixero’s human capital. Everyone needed to be able to tell the same story. Paralel to this process new target markets were identified and investigated and the revised competitive landscape was mapped in accordance with the business goals. All research results combined created the starting point to giving shape to the brand which had to be flexible enough to grow with market trends and allow Lixero to compete on a top level.

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