The challenge

Scala’s services and products are extensive and complex. Scala solutions connect networks of digital signs, kiosks, mobile devices, websites and Internet-connected devices in both public and private environments. By offering a digital signage platform with custom software and hardware across a wide range of industries a communication challenge emerged. As fast as the digital market changes,  Scala has to change with it. This called for a flexible brand identity and visual design system that could support all future communications inside and out.

Services Provided

  • Brand identity design
  • Corporate identity design

products delivered

  • Brand guidelines document

  • Online brand guide

  • Multimedia & DS templates 

  • Features and benefits video's

  • Features and benefits visuals

The goals

Create a visual system that embodies and advances the Scala brand by supporting desired perceptions and facilitate easy and quick communication.

  • Manage perceptions and differentiate from competitors
  • Coherence of communications across various media
  • Make features and benefits easy to understand

The approach


Just like any other project with ambitious goals, having a process-based approach was imperative. Firstly a clear understanding of the business needed to be established to be able to create a comprehensive brand strategy which would eventually give practical shape to the brand as one of the lasts steps.


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